Thursday, March 01, 2007

revised version: painted on with digital paint, using photoshop (original image below).


chatree said...

nice job, the tenticles around the neck makes it looks less threatening, so what's the idea behide this painting?
Id give you a more meaningful cretique but as you can tell i am not very good at writing. I see lots of midtone, but no shadows and high lighs. as a recommmandation try painting with a mutual background colors, you ll be amazed on how much it ll help you to defind value as you paint. good luck.

chatree said...

tell me where the light source are coming from?

Carol Roque said...

thanks for your words.. I like how it turned out.i will not change this one anymore. Ill keep lighting in mind..on next things i make.

a keeping of my drawings, doodles, paintings, paintdoodles, 3d models, works in progress. events, and carol-updates. and pictures.